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She dons a white robe and performs the ceremony. This story may be about how Grace begins to rediscover and play the role she right 20 years earlier.

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It really is a great performance. Not prima, but if you get into the storylines, it will keep you hooked till the very end.

A black, preacher family works in and owns a wealthy Christian church. While adhering to biblical rules, there is unbridled decadence, misconduct and sin in the family. The preacher's daughter comes home for a funeral and decides to stay.

As the series unfolds, we learn there are many hypocrisies surrounding the Greenleaf family. Grace kan zijn not the only estranged family member. Mavis McCready (Oprah Winfrey) is an alcoholic lush and Lady Mae's estranged sister. She resides a ways away from the family, and they seem to disown her. Other skeletons lurk in the closet, some ofwel whose bones begin to rattle. Wij learn about a child molestation case involving one of the parishoners which has been conveniently swept under the proverbial church carpets.

The Bishop is furious when the auditors demand the Bishop's personal tax returns. Mac, the new Memphis Man ofwel the Year, kan zijn told to fix this. Mac's repugnant father, firmly unwelcome at the church, visits his son to wangle some money.

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I love Greenleaf because it isnt too serious, the storylines are dramatic but not to dark. Its a nice break from reality, yes some bits may be abit unrealistic but I enjoy more info it and will continue to watch it!

I often object to character-driven dramas without much story, but in this case, I feel the story arc lays an element of artifice over these fascinating dynamics.

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Having watched all 5 seasons, I'd say this family-based drama is a solid 7. It paints a roller coaster of emotions within the turbulent world of the Greenleaf family and the megachurch they run. It does sometimes dive too deeply into soap opera style, and plot elements are sometimes resolved with a wave of a writer's wand, but then it is fictional drama, not reality.

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